IEEE UV2020 Boston USA

IEEE UV2020 Boston USA

Due to safety concerns arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 5th International Conference on Universal Village (IEEE UV2020) will be held as an online conference. Authors of accepted papers will present their work virtually.

The IEEE International Conference on Universal Village, now in its 7th year, is established as the premier venue for modeling a desired future society that pursues harmony between humans and nature through the wise use of technologies. The UV concept embodies the philosophy that we should follow the laws of the universe, protect the environment/ecosystem, understand human needs in depth, and develop innovative lifestyles that contribute to sustainable happiness for humanity’s future.

The conference will feature a diverse mixture of interactive sessions: core technical sessions on cutting-edge research articles; inspiring keynote speeches; insightful panel discussions among experts in their fields; and posters representing emerging ideas. UV2020 calls for a collective, multi-disciplinary effort to develop a collaborative platform and find systematic, coordinated, long-term solutions for the future.  The theme for UV2020 is “Integrated, Systematic, UV-Oriented Solutions for Harmony, Resilience, Inclusiveness, and Sustainability.”

UV2020 Session Gallery


The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library indexed by EI. IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization of the advanced technology.


IEEE International Conference on Universal Village explores systematic methodologies for improving the quality of life by advancing the technology of its major subsystems, including intelligent health care, intelligent transportation, intelligent environment, intelligent energy management, and protection of the environment. It is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society.