We are please to inform you that the 5th International Conference on Universal Village will be held on October 24-27, 2020 in Boston, USA. We are now calling for session chairs, keynote speakers and committee members. Sessions may include, but are not limited to:
1. Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning
- Intelligent transportation, intelligent vehicles, and its infrastructure
- Traffic control & management, human-centered transportation
- Urban planning, human mobility, distribution services, information circulation
2. Healthcare and Well-being
- Pervasive & non-invasive health-monitoring
- Personalized healthcare & Intelligent nursery
- Senior care and assistive technology for mobility-challenged residents
- Public health: changing trends and emerging new technologies
3. Intelligent Communities & New Lifestyles Enabled by Big Data & AI
- Information & Communication Technology to improve quality of life
- Social media, education and communication
- Security, safety, reliability and privacy protection
- Seamless wireless network, mobile computing, cloud storage
- Intelligent monitoring & sensing. Robotics for dynamic applications.
- Integrated energy management & Treatment for zero-emission
- Response to emergency and global climate change
4. Data Management
- Big data: data storage, vitalization, visualization, integration and mining
- Deep learning
- Human-centered computing & Planning & decision systems.
5. Green Energy and Materials
- Emergent 3D printing and its applications
- Energy-saving, greener manufacturing for electric vehicles and building constructions
- Frontier of Artificial intelligence (A.I.) for advanced nanoscale materials development
- Emergent materials for advanced electronic and photonic devices and novel sensors
- Smart materials for ecological systems and healthcare
- Renewable energy production, capture, storage, and transmission
- Solar energy: photovoltaics, solar thermos
- Wind energy: emergent wind turbine materials and novel design, simulations of tornado energy and its applications
- Hydrogen: solar splitting water, fuel cells
- Biomass, natural gas, and hydroelectric energy
- Emergent battery materials and technologies for safer and higher energy density batteries
- Energy storages and grids
6. Blue Energy and Materials (invited keynote speakers and posters)
- Emergent technologies and devices for ocean wave energy capturing and storage
- Emergently Anti-corrosion materials for blue energy devices
- Challenges in Ocean Energy Storage Grids and Transmission
- Blue Batteries based on the uses of ocean water
- Modeling of the applications of hurricane
- Theoretical simulations of ocean wave energy and its applications
7. Ecological and Environmental Systems
- Innovative agriculture, Green roof
- Ecological economy and strategy
- Integrated solutions & new lifestyles to eliminate waste & pollution
- Environmental protection and trash management
- Effective microorganism technology
8. Special Sessions
- Intelligent Modeling and Simulation
- Future Intelligent Manufacturing
- Effective Microorganisms Technology
- System integration, implementation and evaluation
- Culture/technology/habits and their changing trends
- Urbanization: impact and challenges. Regional, cultural, and political factors.
- Collaboration across companies, governments, universities and different countries.
- Entrepreneurship and new investment for new UV technologies.
9. UV Forums
- 9-A UV City Forum & UV City Evaluation
- 9-B UV Student Forum
- 9-C UV Industry & Entrepreneurship Forum
10. UV Poster Session & UV Exhibition
- 10-A UV Poster
- 10-B UV Exhibition
11. UV Days
12. UV Workshops