It is time to register! Registration
Saturday, October 24 | 8:00 p.m. – 11:59 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time)

Professor of UCAS, Researcher of Institute of Microelectronics, CAS. Director of EDA Center of CAS.

Professor of School of Information and Communication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Topic: Multi-source Communication Data Processing for Earthquake Disaster Analysis based on Crowd-Sensing

Professor of the Data Science Research Center, Peking University
Topic: Cross-system inter-connections for Internet-of-things: State-of-art, Challenges, and Key Technologies

Professor of School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beihang University
Topic: GPU-based implementation of error control codecs

Professor of School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University
Topic: Intelligent Computing Network with Cloud-Edge-End Collaboration in the 5G Era

Director of the High Performance Computing Department of the National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin
Topic: Supercomputer’s response to epidemic: rapid development of AI COVID-19 diagnostic system

Researcher of Beijing Academy of Blockchain and Edge Computing.
Topic: “An Online Cold-Chain Monitoring System Powered by Miniature Smart Tag and Blockchain”
Smart City projects will aim to alleviate the urbanization problem by deploying a vast amount of Internet-of-things (IoT) devices for sensing, acquiring cities’ data through interconnection providing via various intelligent communication technologies. Along with the significant growth of remote sensing data in terms of volume, velocity, and variety, researchers will face more challenges in data transformation, data management, seeking clear guidelines and tools for proper data organization to storage, share and reuse the big data on the service platforms. As Smart Cities facing diverse security threats, the Cybersecurity which can deal with the security and privacy of citizens is also becoming the important research direction in Smart Cities.
Topic and interests
- smart data acquisition; mobile sensing; crowdsourcing; the Internet of Things; seamless wireless networks; information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure
- information integration; information storage, sharing, circulation, and visualization; cloud service
- solutions for security, safety, reliability and privacy issues